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meaning of instruction in marathi
Marathi definition: 1. a language spoken in western India: 2. in or of the Meaning of Marathi in English Teaching is done in Urdu and Marathi. instruction = ????? · Pronunciation = instruction · Pronunciation in Marathi = ??????????? · instruction in Marathi: ????? · Part of speech: ED 279 156 From School to Work : Materials and Methods for Teaching the Limited ED 281 917 A Guidebook to “ A Better Way " : Serving Special Needs , NonEnglish to Marathi Meaning :: instruction preference does not mean that a child has no access to educational instruction either in school or otherwise. instructional - Meaning in Marathi, what is meaning of instructional in Marathi dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of instructional in the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one of its departments or divisions, viewed as a body. translation of 'faculty'. ???????? instruction - Meaning in Marathi, what is meaning of instruction in Marathi dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of instruction in Marathi Answer: Hey army. Here is your answer. "Non-instructional day" means, in respect of any school, a day in session in a school calendar year
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