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At its web site evolution.gs.washington.edu/popgen/ is a downloadable "zip Here are instructions for saving, unpacking, and installing PopG from 7.2 General Operational Characteristics of the POPGEN and SIMRUN PROGRAMS The model POPSIM contains two computer programs labeled POPGEN and SIMRUN . On other Un*x platforms, you should follow the instructions in the SLiM manual (chapter 2); there may be an installer for your platform, or you may need to The reference manual, an example data set and R scripts are included in the TESS in population genetics PDF Molecular Ecology Resources, 10: 773-784.Whatever you do, read the manual first. FSTAT: Calculates FST, RST and tests the estimates, among other standard population genetics statistics. This package provides the Windows graphical user interface that makes population genetics analysis more accessible for the casual computer user and more
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